MechProto Wind Sculpture

A wind-powered decoration for the Olin Campus made of sheet metal

This wind sculpture is the output of the final three-week project from Mechanical Prototyping, a class that I took in Spring 2016. Working on a team of four people, we designed, CADed, and manufactured it for permanent display on Olin’s campus.



After six weeks of work, this project was a success. We completed…

  • A full design of the sculpture in Solidworks
  • A set of detailed part and assembly drawings
  • Fabrication of the complete system
  • Coating the sculpture to prevent rust
  • Mounting the system outside on a lamp-post

Of the six sculptures created as part of the class, ours was by far the most functional and reliable, due primarily to the simple and robust mechanical design. Unfortunately, due to political infighting within the administration, the sculpture was eventually removed and relocated to an interior stairwell, where it remains to this day.

For more details and pictures, check out the Final Report I created.